1993生於台灣台北,從大學到研究所皆就讀國立臺北藝術大學,並專注於版畫藝術的研究,所以創作內容多以版印媒材之間接與傳達的本質來介入人們日常生 活的體驗。善於和群眾直接的合作來完成作品,而有多次的計畫型展覽經驗,作品 除台灣外在日本、香港、馬來西亞、俄羅斯等...都有展出與發表,曾獲得「國際版 畫雙年展」、「龍岩創作獎」、「俄羅斯版畫三年展」殊榮。因擁有豐富版印技術與經 驗,於2015-2016被基隆高中邀請為創意課程講師,也於心藝製作所、憲光二村、眷村故事館等...地方舉辦工作坊。2013-2018年在岩筆模版畫工作室(MB more) 擔任助理職位,在職期間除參與相關展覽也與他國藝術家有作品交換的交流。現任職於文物修復專業的三間文化事業(San JianArt)助理,深入學習紙本、東方媒材的使用。
學 歷
2020 國立臺北藝術大學美創所 碩士 版畫組
2011 國立臺北藝術大學美術學系 學士 主修版畫
個 展
2020 <向死星挖掘> 李芷筠個展,淡水,台灣
2019 <Pop Up> 克里夫蘭,俄亥俄州,美國
2014 <吃人>李芷筠個展,11cafe',台北,台灣
展 覽
2020 <解嗨年代> 馬祖新村,台灣
<龍顏藝術獎巡迴展> 台北、台中、台南,台灣
2019 <Pop Up> 克里夫蘭,俄亥俄州,美國
<台灣版畫三代展> 巴比隆畫廊,薩馬拉,俄羅斯
<不可見的維度> 台南新藝獎 ,台南,台灣
2018 <移家-摩登家庭>,龜山,台灣
2017 <Rock Project>,吉隆坡,馬來西亞
<Hello!> ,CG,大阪,日本
2016 <版圖擴張2016>,桃園展演中心,桃園,台灣
<No One Here 三人聯展 >,MBmore,台北,台灣
<Psychogeograpgic Project >,北投中心新村,台 北,台灣
2015 < In to the wild 前進曠野 > 30屆畢業展,台北
2014 <我是捷客> ,南北畫廊,台北,台灣
<Fire Project>,吉隆坡,馬來西亞
2013 <David Leehole 雕塑聯展>,南北畫廊,台北,台灣
<N25°13 ' 373 " , E121°47 ' 1917 "> ,地美館, 台北,台灣
2012 <e04>,地美館,台北,台灣
<愛人> ,地美館,台北,台灣
<愛X死亡X城市連結>,MC IN9,澳門
獎 助
2020 第十四屆 龍顏藝術獎
2019 台南新藝獎
2018 第十二屆 龍顏藝術獎
2017 Niu-An徵選 銅獎
2017 國立台灣美術館第十六屆國際版畫雙年展 入選
2016 國立台灣美術館第十七屆國際版畫雙年展 入選
駐 村
2019 Zygote Press 克里夫蘭,俄亥俄州,美國
Lee Jr-Yun
Born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1993, Jr-Yun Lee received her bachelor’s degree at Taipei National University of the Arts. She is currently studying for her master’s degree at the same institution, focusing on the art of printmaking. The majority of her art pieces are based on the indirection and communication properties of the printing medium, in an attempt to intervene it into people’s daily experience. Since Lee thrives in direct collaboration with the public, she gained rich experience in various curated exhibitions. Besides Taiwan, her works have exhibited overseas including Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Russia. Further, she received awards from the ‘International Biennial Print Exhibit’, ‘Long-Yen Foundation’, and ‘Triennial of Russian Print Exhibit’. During 2015-2016, as an experienced specialist in various printing techniques, Lee was invited as a lecturer in the creative program at National Keelung Senior High School. Meanwhile, she ran workshops in Made in Heart studio, Military Police Honor 2nd Village and Jyan Cun Museum. Between 2013-2018, Lee has worked as an assistant at MBmore printmaking studio. During that time, she took part in several exhibitions and has experience of both culture and artworks exchange with foreign artists exhibited there. Lee is currently the assistant of the conservation laboratory, San Jian Art, researching on the art of paper and other oriented materials.
2015- Master of Fine Art (Printmaking)School of Fine Art,Taipei National University of the Arts
2011 Bachelor of Fine Art (Printmaking Track)School of Fine Art, Taipei National University of the Arts
Personal Exhibition
2014 <吃人> Lee Jr-Yun 11cafe' Taipei, Taiwan
Joint Exhibition
2018 <Modern Family> Hsian Guang Second Village,Taoyuan, Taiwan
<Long Yen Foundation : The 12th Art Scholarship> Taipei, Taiwan
2017 <Rock Project> Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2016 <Taiwan X Japan Printmaking Interchange Exibition> 宇GalleryX松戶高校 Tokyo, Japan
<Vacationing in the Eye of the storm> O-Bank Education Foundation, Taipei
<Psychogeograpgic Project > Heart Village, Taipei
<No One Here> MBmore, Taipei
<Expanding the Scope of Printmaking 2016>
Taoyuan Arts Center, Taoyuan
2015 <In to the wild >
Underground Art Museum, TNUA, Taipei
2014 <Fire Project> Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
<我是捷客> Nan-Pei Art Gallery, TNUA, Taipei
2013 <N25°13 ' 373 " , E121°47 ' 1917 ">
Underground Art Museum, TNUA, Taipei
<David Leehole 雕塑聯展>
Nan-Pei Art Gallery, TNUA, Taipei
2012 <愛X死亡X城市連結> MC IN9 Macao
<愛人>Underground Art Museum, TNUA, Taipei
<e04> Underground Art Museum, TNUA, Taipei
Honors & Awards
2019 Finalist Next Art Tainan Judges' list award
2018 Finalist Long Yen Foundation : The 12th Art Scholarship
Niu-An Award Bronze Award (Third Place)
2015 Finalist International Biennial Print Exhibit
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
2016 Finalist International Biennial Print Exhibit
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts