摩登家庭 Morden Family
共同合作人(cooperation) 林恩崙Aron lin
憲光二村(Hsian Guang Second Village)
摩登家庭-展覽論述 文/徐翌婷
〈向你〉 Fly to The Sun
Bougainvillea, Ready-Made Objects, Plywood, Paint
Bougainvillea, a type of flower often seen at traditional military family houses in Taiwan has come to symbolise the sight of sunset on their old walls. Such image has since been emphasised further due to its repeated and popularized appearance in film and TV series settings. Here the artist poses as the audience and envisions the spatial design and hierarchical order from afar. By moving outdoor plants indoors, and let them feed on the only source of sunlight through the living room windows, visitors are expected to observe the symbolised uneven distribution of resources in context.

〈星星之戰〉 Star Wars
Plywood, Paint, Ready-Made Objects
28*28*9cm(x32), Dimensions Variable
28*28*9cm(x32), Dimensions Variable
With the original furnishing gone, the house is left with only grey coloured walls. The artist later utilises and redesigns the space of living room and dining room to simulate a Chinese chess board. With two sides taking up opposite stands, the players are partially shielded from each other at first and thus cannot watch the game in its complete form. Instead, one can only direct and physically move their own chess pieces as the game proceeds, while estimating the next move and strategy of the opponent. Here the artist actualises the chess game in realistic form as a representation of the mind game between military family residents under contemporary social rules and power structure.

〈摩登少年〉 Morden Boy
Two writers are invited to mark the wall: one is a graffiti artist born in 1990s, and the other is an elder that has nowhere to call home.
The artist takes inspiration from the propaganda words and phrases often written on the walls of military family houses. These language once used for propaganda are now modified into images and symbols with opposing interpretations that signify the ever changing ideologies of our society. The elder on the other hand, records the memorized lyrics of Elvis Presley’ Jailhouse Rock to speak for an old time glory - as the song is recalled, words of the lyrics are the only piece of evidence to be grasped from her memories.
If language and words are seen carriers of a creation, then time and memories are their heart. In this work, two writers, distinct in background and age, coexist: one strives to interpret propaganda in his own way, while the other struggles to write down lyrics recalled from her past. Here both forms of language have failed to convey its original significance and meaning; respectively, they are transferred into a new form, with its own fresh annotation endowed.
The artist takes inspiration from the propaganda words and phrases often written on the walls of military family houses. These language once used for propaganda are now modified into images and symbols with opposing interpretations that signify the ever changing ideologies of our society. The elder on the other hand, records the memorized lyrics of Elvis Presley’ Jailhouse Rock to speak for an old time glory - as the song is recalled, words of the lyrics are the only piece of evidence to be grasped from her memories.
If language and words are seen carriers of a creation, then time and memories are their heart. In this work, two writers, distinct in background and age, coexist: one strives to interpret propaganda in his own way, while the other struggles to write down lyrics recalled from her past. Here both forms of language have failed to convey its original significance and meaning; respectively, they are transferred into a new form, with its own fresh annotation endowed.
Writer:BABU&阿 一幢房屋擺放家具、人們居住,社會底蘊就此發酵。
Pieces of furniture and human interaction at home marks the start of a society.
Objects and created works placed in an empty space signifies the production of art.
The artist sets up three rooms that resemble human home, with decorative pieces of furniture arranged to symbolize the contemporary modernity. The rooms show slight changes according to the momentarily emotional or physical status of the inhabitant. A landscape portrait is hanged onto the great grey wall. A rhythm clock counts the every second of time that is passed in the room - as a souvenir of the past, and a prophecy for the future that stays forever.